How Many Watts Does Your Coffee Maker Use? A Complete Guide Skip to content
How Many Watts Does Your Coffee Maker Use? A Complete Guide

How Many Watts Does Your Coffee Maker Use? A Complete Guide

Many coffee lovers use coffee makers every day. But do you wonder how much electrical power coffee makers use? Knowing the wattage of your coffee maker can help you plan better. For example, you may opt for an energy-efficient choice. Such a choice will save you money. Also, it shows that you are conscious of the environment.

So, this article explains power usage in one of our favorite appliances: the coffee maker. 

What is Wattage and Why It’s Important

Watt is the unit for measuring electric power. Electric gadgets use power. The amount of power you need to operate such a device is wattage. It's easy to calculate wattage.

Wattage = Volts x Amps.

You don't need to calculate this value for most electrical devices. Gadget manufacturers include this value on the item or in the product guide. 

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?

The Importance of Wattage

Your machine's watt rating is significant for several reasons, including:

Brewing Performance: Coffee makers with a high watt rating tend to be faster. So, choose a model with a higher wattage if you value quick and efficient coffee making. 

Energy Efficiency: Coffee maker wattage impacts its energy use. Lower-wattage machines use less electricity. This benefit promotes energy efficiency.

Environmental Impact: Higher-wattage coffee makers use more energy. This inefficiency can lead to more carbon footprint. Individuals can show concern for the environment by choosing a lower-wattage coffee maker. 

Off-Grid Planning: Some individuals use private or alternative power sources, like solar generators. In such situations, it is crucial to know your machine's wattage. This knowledge will help you select a model that works with your power capacity. 

Running Costs: A coffee maker's wattage contributes to its energy consumption. This can affect your long-term running costs. But lower-wattage machines are less expensive to run over time.

Basic Electrical Terms Related to Coffee Makers (Watts, Voltage, & Amperage)

Some basic terms are linked to electrical consumption. You'd see these terms used in the article. So, it will be helpful to explain them:

Watt (W): Watt is the basic unit of power, i.e., you measure power in watts. 

Voltage (V): The electrical force or pressure drives the current.

Amperage (A):  Ampere measures the rate of flow of electricity. 

What Are the Factors Influencing Energy Consumption in Coffee Makers?

A coffee maker uses around 700W to 1500W, depending on the model, brand, and make. A coffee maker's wattage depends on various factors, such as the machine's type, size, and features. Let's see how these variables can impact wattage.

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?

Type: You can find various brands of coffee makers in the market. Some examples of these machines include single-serve, drip, and espresso coffee makers. The drip coffee maker is the most energy-efficient. This device needs little power to generate coffee. In contrast, espresso machines require more power. But a single-serve coffee maker needs the most power to make coffee. 

Size: This is obvious, but device size can affect power usage. So, larger-sized coffee makers will use more electricity compared to smaller-sized ones. 

Features: Some advanced coffee makers allow you to do more than make coffee. For example, these devices have features that include warming plates and timers. But these extra functions use more power. As a result, these advanced models will cost you more in terms of electricity use. 

Comparison of Brewing vs. Warming Power Requirements

The power needed for your coffee maker will depend on whether it is brewing coffee or just keeping it warm. Brewing needs more heat. During this time, the heating element must heat the water to brewing temperature. This process demands a power raise of around 1100-1500 watts. Thus, if you use a solar generator, it must generate at least 1500 watts during brewing. 

However, after brewing, the coffee maker uses minimal power to warm the flask or pot. This warming feature uses around 550-750 watts. So, the brewing wattage is two times more than when you're just warming mode.

Average Wattage of Coffee Makers

The Keurigs model uses up to 400 watts of energy to keep the water hot. But it can reach 1500 watts at peak brewing mode. In contrast, 12-cup Mr. Coffee uses just 900 watts.

A Nespresso machine uses over 1000 watts. For instance, the VertuoNext uses 1260 watts. Meanwhile, the CitiZ uses 1710 watts. Still, the average coffee maker uses between 550 - 1500 watts.

Energy Consumption of Common Kitchen Appliances

This much power may seem like little, but it adds up if you have several other appliances. For example, consider this table of energy consumption in common kitchen appliances:

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?

Kitchen Appliances


Coffee maker

550W to 1,500W


600W to 1,200W


1,200W to 1,500W


300W to 800W


500W to 700W


800W to 1,500W

Types of Coffee Makers and Their Energy Usage

The different types of coffee makers have varying power needs. We have summarized these needs below: 

Standard Drip Coffee Makers: Standard drip machines use the least electricity. Drip coffee makers are simple and efficient. They use less power compared to espresso or single-serve machines. These machines typically use just 650 watts, depending on the size and features. 

Single-Serve Coffee Makers: Single-serve coffee makers use more energy than standard drip machines. Although they use a lower wattage, these machines lack the "eco-friendly" tag. This is because single-serve coffee makers use coffee pods or single-use plastic pods. Still, you can use this coffee while reducing your carbon footprint. You should get refillable metal coffee pods for this outcome. 

Espresso Machines: Espresso machines use the most electricity of all types. This is especially true of the pump-driven models. These devices heat and pressurize water to levels above those of single-serve coffee makers. This method gives espresso its unique flavor. The wattage for these machines can be near 1500 watts. This value is even higher for commercial-grade espresso machines. 

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?

Running Costs and Energy Efficiency

How do you calculate a coffee maker's kWh and its cost impact? You'd need the kilowatt-hour (kWh) unit. You can find this value by dividing your machine's watt rating by 1000. 

For example, a 1500-watt coffee maker uses 1.5 kWh hourly. On average, a coffee maker uses 150 kWh of energy yearly. Energy in the U.S. sells for 14 cents per kWh. By this calculation, you're spending $21 yearly to run a coffee maker. 

How do you ensure your coffee maker uses minimal power? 

Tips for Reducing Energy Consumption While Using a Coffee Maker

You can do a few things to save energy and costs of brewing coffee. Consider these energy-saving tips:

Unplug the Coffee Machine When Idle: Unplugging the machine will prevent energy usage as the machine will use energy to keep the coffee warm.  

Keep the Coffee Machine Clean: We recommend you clean all the machine parts regularly. This keeps it operating smoothly and with less energy.

Use Smart Plugs: You can use smart plugs for various electronic devices. With a smart plug, set a timer for when the coffee machine should turn on or off. This tip will save you cost. 

Buy an Energy-Efficient Machine: Buy a low-wattage coffee maker. This option will save you energy-related costs. 

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?

Powering Coffee Makers Off-Grid

The sun’s energy is an eco-friendly and everlasting power source. So, many solar systems will power your coffee maker plus other home appliances. It does not matter how many watts your coffee maker uses. These systems are a sustainable option for reducing your bills. 

However, you need durable batteries to power your off-grid system. You can order solar batteries from Goldenmate Energy.

How to Ensure Enough Wattage for Your Coffee Maker

Coffee machines have different power needs. These are some suggestions to help guarantee adequate wattage in various settings:

Check the Power Need: Review the user manual or product guide to know your machine's wattage. This information will help you select an appropriate power source.

Choose Power Sources in Off-Grid Settings: What power source is available outdoors or in off-grid settings? If you're using a generator, ensure it supplies enough wattage to meet the machine's needs. For a solar generator, check the capacity and ensure it can carry your coffee maker. Also, consider other appliances that may be running alongside the coffee machine. You may need to disconnect other devices while brewing coffee. 

Will a 1000-Watt Generator Run a Coffee Maker?

Yes. A 1000-watt generator will power a coffee maker that is 1000 watts or less. A 1000-watt generator is suitable for several small household appliances like coffee makers. 

How Many Watts Does a Coffee Maker Use?


Knowing your coffee maker's wattage can help you save electricity costs. Also, you can avoid coffee machines that are incompatible with your off-grid system. Low-wattage coffee makers help you save costs. Also, these devices benefit the environment by reducing our power usage. 

You can read more energy and power tips on our blog. Also, you can order off-grid solar batteries online.

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