In our different lifestyles, we know that almost all gadgets, devices, cars, work with different kinds of batteries, but, do we know how to keep safe for a long time? Do we know the benefits or the disadvantages of using batteries? So, in this article, we are going to talk about everything about the Lithium Batteries.
Understanding Lithium Battery Basics
Composition and structure of lithium batteries
Now, let's talk about the composition and structure of lithium batteries. It consists of a positive electrode, a negative electrode, an electrolyte and a separator. Generally, the positive electrode material uses lithium cobalt acid, manganese acid, lithium iron phosphoric acid and other compounds. The negative electrode material generally uses graphite or lithium titanic acid. About the electrolyte. Is a mixture of lithium salt and organic solvent, which plays the role of conductivity and ion transport.
How lithium batteries work
The way that Lithium batteries work is the following: There is an anode, cathode, separator, electrolyte as a component, also two collectors, one positive and the other negative. So, now that we know the components the way is that the electrolyte transports positively charged lithium ions from the anode across the separator to the cathode and come back again. After that, this ion movement generates other free electrons at the anode, allowing it to charge a positive collector. This electrical current then moves a connected device (it could be a laptop or mobile phone). Also, the separator ensures that electrons do not travel directly to the battery.
Factors Affecting Battery Performance
It's important to know the main factors affecting battery performance. The main points could be the temperature, currents, Dod/Voltage window, battery age and others.
The temperature has a big effect on the cycle life of the battery, due to the affects the chemical reactions taking place within. The optimum temperature for a battery is recommended to be 25ºC. If the battery temperature is higher or lower than this temperature, it can suffer from capacity loss.
Now, it is the turn of the currents. To keep it easy to explain, higher currents usually cause more heat to be generated and more stress on the battery, so it won't surprise you to read that it can have a negative effect on the battery cycle.
DoD/Voltage window
About the voltage window, it is not recommended to charge batteries from 0% to 100% Soc, so this will affect the cycle life. Instead, the batteries should be charged from 20% to 80%. This can be done by the user or it can be by software. Also there is an alternative to use the manufacturer of the BMS, it can build this feature into their product.
Battery age
About the battery age, older can have a shorter cycle life due to self discharge and parasitic reactions. What does it mean? It means that batteries are stored for a long time.
End of life threshold
The end of life threshold is defined by the manufacturer and is usually around from 60 to 80% of initial capacity. It is an average, so there can be some cases where the producer defines the End of life as a 70%, in this case, it will probably have a higher cycle life than others.
Another point that you can take into account is the performance, which will further deteriorate over time. So it all depends on the maintenance that you take on your battery.

Exploring Overcharging
Definition of overcharging
So, now, we are going to talk about overcharging. What is the meaning? It means when the lithium battery is overcharged, the chagrin voltage exceeds the set voltage, it could be the rated battery voltage of 3,7 V and the full-charge and it exceeds. If they exceed the number it is called overcharge.
Effects of overcharging on lithium batteries
The main effect of overhanging lithium batteries is overheating; it can explode and cause fires. Even slight overcharging reduces the discharge capacity, leading to over discharging, which increases impedance and heat generation.
Risks associated with overcharging
The main risk is the phenomenon known as a thermal runaway. This event happens when a battery's internal temperature soars due to excessive charging.

Limits and Safety Mechanisms
Avoid extreme temperatures
The important thing about this part of the paragraph is that extreme heat or cold can affect the performance of your battery gadget. Heat can cause overheats in your battery and lose the capacity. Cold can slow down the batteries chemical reaction and reduce its performance. Also, it's very recommended that you use your battery in a cold place, avoiding direct sunlight, radiators and other heat sources, mainly for a long period of time.
Use the right charger
In all big companies, they recommended you use the original charger due the copies can cause overcharging on your device. Or even short circuits. You should always use the original charger. You can find these ratings on the chargers label or in the manual. Also avoid using cheap chargers, it may not have the proper safety features or the enough certifications to use it.
Follow the 40-80 rule
One of the most important rules worldwide is the 40-80 rule. It is a general guideline that suggests you should keep your device battery between these percentages most of the time. It can help to prevent overcharging and understanding, as a consequence, prolong your battery life.

Common Myths and Misconceptions
Leaving a device plugged in will overcharge its battery: False
One of the most common myths is that plugging in your devices for a long period of time will overload the battery. Just take a break, it won't happen. Your devices know better than you how to protect themselves. The modern gadgets building with lithium batteries will stop charging once they reach their capacity.
Freezing your phone battery helps keep its charge: False
What you have to avoid in the battery theme is put in an extreme temperature, cold or harm, because it can damage the internal components with the risk of malfunctioning, so never put your devices in a place that changes the temperature such as a freezer.
You need to let your battery hit zero before charging: False
This myth comes to the older batteries, The actual, (lithium batteries) don't need to let the battery hit zero before charging. The older ones are based on nickel, but nowadays it is totally false.
Your device's batteries have a short lifespan: Somewhat false
In this case, there are a lot of factors that can affect how long your device's lithium battery will work as it should. One of them is how often you use your gadgets for 2 or 3 years, or 300 to 500 charge cycles. One charge cycle means when you battery go from 0 to 100%,
If your battery dies, you need a new device: False
There are a lot of alternatives to solve this kind of problem. But to start, this myth is false. The battery can shoot down for a lot of reasons, but it does not mean that you have to change for another one. A battery replacement can be an affordable way to breathe a new life into older tech gadgets.

Best Practices for Charging Lithium Batteries
These batteries are widely used in a variety of devices, from smartphones and laptops to vehicles and power tools. They offer a number of advantages over other kinds of alternatives such products with ware. However, these kinds of batteries can also be dangerous if you do not take your safety. You can find here some important recommendations to prevent and keep safe guidelines for handling and storing these batteries.
Store batteries in a cool, dry place
Lithium batteries are sensitive to heat, so it is important to keep them in a cool and dry place. Please, avoid using hot vehicles or direct sunlight.
Do not overcharge or over-discharge batteries
The extremes in both cases can damage the battery and lead to a fire or cause an explosion. Use a battery charger that is specifically designed to use for lithium batteries and always follow the manufacturer instruction.
Do not puncture or crush batteries
Lithium-ion batteries can be damaged if crushed. So the main idea is that you avoid put hard objects near the batteries.
Do not disassemble batteries
Lithium-ion batteries contain flammable materials and should not be disassembled.
Other tips that you can follow to improve the performance of the battery is that you have to be aware of the signs of a faulty battery. It can be leaking or hot to the touch. If these happen or you notice any of these signs, stop using the battery and take it to a technician for inspection.
Another recommendation is when charging a battery it is important to supervise the process. Do not leave batteries unattended while it is charging.
And to finish, batteries can short circuit if the positive and negative terminals come into contact with each other. Keep batteries away from metal objects.

Consequences of Overcharging
Short-term effects on battery life
The main problem with the batteries are factors like age, temperature, and discharge rate. These are the reasons why battery performance needs to be analysed current drain to validate actual battery run time.
The critical influence of factors like age, temperature, and discharge rate on battery performance underscores the need to analyse current drain to validate actual battery run time.
Long-term implications for safety and performance
The implication for safety and performance is that the interventions substantially influence the well being and environmental aspects of the process industry. It means the interventions require the acknowledgement that they are not a one time solution, but should be constantly kept safe, and monitored and reviewed. Some companies prioritise the wellbeing of their workers with the implementation of standard operating procedures, conducting training programs and using technology that have proven effective in decreasing accidents, injuries or others.
Environmental impact of improper battery management
The main impact is the emerging material that is reported to enhance batteries. It can be a problem with large -scale manufacturing. The demand for energy devices is expected to surge as the electronic devices market grows and the efforts for the electrification of the global vehicle market improves. The result of this kind of success is the production and disposal practices can damage the environment.

It is important to clarify that the batteries actually, are one of the best creations of the world, due all the benefits that they give us. So many things use a different kind of batteries, but its allow to connect the entire world wich each other. Also we need to know how to keep safe to keep long term duration in the industry. Here you can find some tips to improve the performance. To finish, you can find a different kind of lithium battery on our website. Goldenmate offers batteries to your vehicle, or VR, you can check if you want to improve the quality of your batteries.